Friday, March 13, 2009

Ghost Rider 2099

I love the story line from Marvel 2099. It's story line takes place in the year 2099, its features 2099 versions of Marvel super heros such as Spider man 2099, Doom 2099, Hulk 2099 and my most favorite Ghost Rider 2099. It's about a cyber hacker named Kenshiro "Zero" Cochrane. who along with his crew of hackers found some data against a mega corp called D/MONEX the mega corp hired people to kill the hackers. Zero managed to call his girl friend and upload the data to her before the gang killed him. Little did Zero know that his mind was uploaded toi the internet as binary code while pluging in. Tn the net he was transefered to a secret domain runned by super intellegent AI called the Ghost Works. The Ghost Works wanted enforce justice in a corrupt world today they need someone with rebellious qualities such as Zero. The Ghost Works rigged a droid factory to build a powerful War Bot, they need a symbol, something that rings supernatural to an artificial world. They uploaded Zero's memory in to Ghost Rider 2099!

Ghost Rider 2099 is a war bot. His Weapons include ceramic graphite composite bladed chainsaw that blasted bursts of energy, a polymimetic nanomer alloy claw, able to cut on a submolecular level. He has a stealth system which make him invisible, and a Solidgram camoflauge system so he can copy any apearance and have a buring head like the original Ghost Rider. He needs to recharge once in a while though since his new body consume a great deal of energy.

PRO Guild Resume

During my stay in the new Valhalla server, I realized that I needed a purpose for my old rouge. So I decide to join the guild sieges as a recruit. My friend also moved to the Thor server, now called Valhalla server told me to join the guild he's in "Justice". So I did, there was plenty of work for a strip type Rouge like my character. I became a recruit of Justice, and served in many sieges. In the formation I was the front liner stripping enemies of their defenses so that the defenders or killers of Justice could capitalized. I kept this routine for quite sometime. Then one day my Friend quited RO for his own reasons. That day I left Justice...There was no reason for me to stay. I went into a state of wandering traveling most of rune midguard. the I quited for roughly 3 weeks. when i came back I was recruited by a former guild mate into the Red Elites guild. I found purpose and happiness for a while. Until my PC got hit with a bug, had to reformat then finding a working copy of RO took almost forever I was out for roughly 3 months. When I came back I found out my friend who recruited me to the red elites left the guild and joind another, So with that I left the red elites and am now currently un employed if you are looking for a member for your guild in the Valhalla server give me a call.

PRO life story

I play an online game called Ragnarok Online, I'm the last of my group here in Davao city who still plays, my friends already quited. How I started was funny, at the first glance I said big deal. But my friend found it amazing, so I gave it a try then that's how I was hooked. I played only once a week back then during the time Chaos and Loki were the only servers, since my family was strict and I could only go out on Saturdays. My first character was a merchant in the Chaos server since I wanted to be a millionaire online, bad choice of starting since merchants were crappy fighters back then and I play only once a week, every one else was level 70 already and I was stuck at 30. People said why not quit? I said nah! just need more time. When bots finally apeared I wanted to give it a try. I had a theif back then lv 40, but since I had no computer I had to pay my classmate for a bot service Php 100 a week, sad thing was I had Php 20 a week as allowance so it took me a while to save for one week, it became a Rouge . Sad thing I was hacked a few months later. I eventaully moved to the newest server back then Thor. I was happy for a while with my rouge. but I eventally quited for lack of funds. A few months later, I joined the new free to play valkyrie server, but eventually quited a few weeks lated due to the fact that it was a PK server and high leveled people just sit at entrances. Currently I rejoined RO when I heared that the old Thor server became the new free to play Valhalla server. And I still played up until now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

MTG Deck Smith

I'm what I would like call a deck smith(Self-Proclaimed Baby!). It's just a fancy term for a guy that builds decks budget or otherwise. My friends who don't have enough cash to build decks or don't know squat of how form combos or deck synergy, come to me for advice and to have thier decks remodeled. My service fee is only how much they want to give to rebuild the deck or sometimes I do it not for cash or free of service. Take for instance my good frined who's name I will not mention wanted me build on his deck he doesnt have the cash for it I said pay it interms of drawing(he's a good artist). so I built a deck out of the cards he gathered and adding them with some of the cards I got(was saving them for a rainy day or incase I wanted to use them). to build a new deck which of coures he's currently enjoying. I named it "The Esper Airforce".

Another client of mine was my good friend Philbert the 1st place winner in the first week of the Magic Octagon. His was a special case since he didn't care for theme but wanted a deck that would mirror his own YuGiOh deck's fighting style. So with carefull planning and a bit of gathering in my part I made a deck that suited his style running good kill spells and burn spells since his YuGiOh deck's style was fast beat down with a hint of burn while he prevents people from using key cards, MTG trasilation: a Black and Red, weenie, burn, discarder. all he paid for were the kill spells which amounted to Php220. If he'd done it him self he would have paid more than Php500. And thats me what I partially do during my free time build decks. If your a newbie and is looking for an edge just come and ask me for an over haul.

Magic Octagon

About three weeks ago I started a weekly tournament of Magic the Gathering(MTG) trading card game (TCG)(MTG TCG in short) called the Weekly Magic Octagon. The summary of the goal of this tournament is to improve the Davao MTG population and promote a tournament feel for novices and newbies to the game .Basically I'll just summarize the three weeks of tourneys. 1st week the beta match we decided single matches four rounds,we had 2 late entries ,1st place was a guy named Philbert. 2nd week we had decided to make it best two out of three matches with four rounds, we had 2 more late entries, the 1st plcae was a Guy named Josh. 3rd week we had only 3 rounds due to lack of time, 1 late entry, and 1st place was still Josh.

Reveiwing our winners, 1st Philbert he played magic and quited 10 years ago, his term "I'm a fossil" was not really noted because he's in college. He plays YuGiOh TCG and recently joined MTG again, because of my group's recent propaganda and promotion of the said game. He's an expert YuGiOh Player and with his TCG street smarts he dominated the first beta tourney. 2nd is Josh, the current champion, a credited to the defence he runs in his deck giving him just enough shielding to build up and over power his opponent. His weak spot as verbalized are control decks(specifically counter cards), He calls counters "evil", and since nobody ran contol decks he dominated the two tourneys.

in the "free for all" for more details.

Monday, March 2, 2009

my fave Charcter in TV and on Comics

Well you guessed it! Its Venom I love this guy, how he came to be? Well the summary is that Spiderman in the secret wars torn his suit, being in an alien planet thought he found a suit maker. But It actually was a containment unit for a alien symbiote, it bonded with him though spiderman thought it was a alien costume with out of this world features. When he returned home he realized that it was a alien he had the Fantastic Four help remove it from him.The Suit/symbiote escaped and attempted to bond with spiderman again, since one of the key weaknesses of the symbiotes was sound he had it removed and left for dead in the church's bell tower . Meanwhile journalist Eddie brock a Star journalist had his story on the infamous killer alias the Sin Eater, a fake sin eater had told him that he was the sin eater and naturally Brock believed him. It was posted in the paper and Brock lead a good life until spiderman discovered and captured the real Sin Eater. With that Brock was ruined. He contemplated on suicide but since the was a Christian, it was a sin, so he prayed in a church, ironically the same church that spiderman left the alien symbiote. The symbiote sensing brock's pain relating to his own pain of being rejected by spiderman bonded with him, forming one entity which had one purpose to destroy the one person which caused both indivduals pain(the symbiote and Eddie Brock) Spiderman!

Venom is one of my favorite charcaters because, he has all the powers of spiderman, plus his he can lift alot combining the olympic anatomy of Eddie Brock with the Mass and strength enhancing powers of the symbiote. The symbiote catches bulltes and blocks of most damage dealt to brock and it heals his wounds. Sadly his weakness is fire and sound which alot of people run just to hurt or capture venom. But over all he's mt fave character.