Friday, March 13, 2009

PRO Guild Resume

During my stay in the new Valhalla server, I realized that I needed a purpose for my old rouge. So I decide to join the guild sieges as a recruit. My friend also moved to the Thor server, now called Valhalla server told me to join the guild he's in "Justice". So I did, there was plenty of work for a strip type Rouge like my character. I became a recruit of Justice, and served in many sieges. In the formation I was the front liner stripping enemies of their defenses so that the defenders or killers of Justice could capitalized. I kept this routine for quite sometime. Then one day my Friend quited RO for his own reasons. That day I left Justice...There was no reason for me to stay. I went into a state of wandering traveling most of rune midguard. the I quited for roughly 3 weeks. when i came back I was recruited by a former guild mate into the Red Elites guild. I found purpose and happiness for a while. Until my PC got hit with a bug, had to reformat then finding a working copy of RO took almost forever I was out for roughly 3 months. When I came back I found out my friend who recruited me to the red elites left the guild and joind another, So with that I left the red elites and am now currently un employed if you are looking for a member for your guild in the Valhalla server give me a call.

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